Islam and Freedom of Thought

Islam and Freedom of Thought

The history of Islam is full of the tolerant practices of Muslim rulers who have respected all ...

The Civilized Lives of the Believers

The Civilized Lives of the Believers

Although our Lord has sent people messengers and sacred scriptures, some have fallen into misun ...

Lessons Derived from the Story of the People of the Cave

Lessons Derived from the Story of the People of the Cave

The story of the People of the Cave was not something amazing compared to Allah’s Power and Abi ...

The Amazing Creation of Sea Turtles

The Amazing Creation of Sea Turtles

The beach they arrive at to reproduce has to be the one where they were born. Sometimes sea tur ...

The Amazing Creation of the Koala

The Amazing Creation of the Koala

Koalas can quickly climb trees with their long curled arms, and sharp claws and paws that hold ...

Can Evolution Explain the Human Soul?

Can Evolution Explain the Human Soul?

We have seen in the last two chapters that man bears in his bodily structure clear traces of hi ...

The Electrical Order in Our Bodies

The Electrical Order in Our Bodies

In the electrical equipment we use in everyday life, the strength of the electricity used—that ...

Zamzam Water… More than Water

Zamzam Water… More than Water

Since the prophet’s time, every pilgrim to Mecca drinks from the water of Zamzam. No doubt that ...

Islamic Perspective on Animal Welfare

Islamic Perspective on Animal Welfare

According to Census of Marine Life scientists, there are an estimated 8.7 million living specie ...

Shallow-Mindedness and High Ideals

Shallow-Mindedness and High Ideals

Those unaware individuals whose faith in Allah and the Hereafter is weak usually have their hop ...

Word Repetitions in the Qur’an

Word Repetitions in the Qur’an

Apart from the miraculous characteristics of the Qur'an which we have looked into so far, it al ...

What Is the Theory of Evolution?

What Is the Theory of Evolution?

When earth appeared for the first time, there were no creatures on it. There were only some ina ...