Arabic Numerals

Arabic Numerals

The system of numeration employed throughout the greater part of the world today was probably d ...

Europe: The Seeds of the Renaissance

Europe: The Seeds of the Renaissance

Islam encourages the gathering of knowledge and the use of reasoning. In the Qur’an, God repeat ...

Ethics in Islamic Finance: Defining Ethics (Part 2/2)

Ethics in Islamic Finance: Defining Ethics (Part 2/2)

For a transaction to be ethical, the overall goals of Shari`ah should also be fulfilled at the ...

Faith: The Life-Changing Key

Faith: The Life-Changing Key

Reforming people and communities cannot be carried out randomly or haphazardly. Rather, a natio ...

Ethics in Islamic Finance: Looking Beyond Legality (Part 1/2)

Ethics in Islamic Finance: Looking Beyond Legality (Part 1/2)

The pioneers of Islamic economics asserted that an economy based on Islamic values and principl ...

The Prophet’s Mercy towards the Elderly (P. 2/2)

The Prophet’s Mercy towards the Elderly (P. 2/2)

These are just few examples of the Prophet's gentleness, mercy, and respect towards the elderly ...

Muslim Contribution to the Geometry

Muslim Contribution to the Geometry

The greatest scientific contribution Muslims made to the world is the creation of mathematical ...

Prophet Muhammad’s Call to Muslims to Serve People

Prophet Muhammad’s Call to Muslims to Serve People

The religion of Islam is the religion of benevolence to the people. Therefore the honorable Pro ...

Learning Institutions in Islam

Learning Institutions in Islam

It is already known that institutions such as al-Qayrawan, al-Qarawiyyin and al-Azhar, above al ...

Muslims’ Contribution to Agriculture

Muslims’ Contribution to Agriculture

Such advancement of Muslim farming, according to Bolens, was owed to the adaptation of agrarian ...

Development of Science & Technology in Islamic History

Development of Science & Technology in Islamic History

Islam advocates the incorporation of knowledge within a just and balanced value system where an ...

The Story of the Qur’an

The Story of the Qur’an

The Qur’an makes a clear distinction between the perceptible world of experience and the unseen ...