Muslims’ Contribution in Algebra

Muslims’ Contribution in Algebra

In the twelfth century Gerard of Cremona and Roberts of Chester translated the algebra of Al-Kh ...

Muslim Printing Before Gutenberg

Muslim Printing Before Gutenberg

Gutenberg does seem to have been the first to devise a printing press, but printing itself, tha ...

What Is Islam’s View about Education, Science and Technology?

What Is Islam’s View about Education, Science and Technology?

Islam advocates the incorporation of knowledge within a just and balanced value system where an ...

Islam and Civilized Societies

Islam and Civilized Societies

There is no correlation between materialistic civilization and elevated human values, i.e. betw ...

Islam and Safeguarding Human Life in the Modern Context

Islam and Safeguarding Human Life in the Modern Context

While Muslims are proud of their contributions to science and technology as a means of improvin ...

Friday: The Best Day of the Week

Friday: The Best Day of the Week

From the traditions of Prophet Muhammad, we learn that “The best day in the sight of God is Fri ...

Hajj: A Prescription for Humanity Problems

Hajj: A Prescription for Humanity Problems

But what I am positive about is that these three million attendees can serve as a role model fo ...

Merits and Rites of Hajj

Merits and Rites of Hajj

Pilgrimage is viewed as a particularly meritorious activity. Pilgrimage serves as a penance - ...

History of Hajj in Brief

History of Hajj in Brief

Sure enough, a man by the name of Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah was born in the very city that Prophet ...

Stoning of Satan in Hajj: Story and Significance

Stoning of Satan in Hajj: Story and Significance

During this ritual, Muslims throw pebbles at the three pillars called ‘jamarat’ in Mina, just e ...

The Woman Who Founded Hajj Rites: Lady Hajar

The Woman Who Founded Hajj Rites: Lady Hajar

Abraham (peace be upon him) set off with his wife Hajar and newborn son on a long journey. They ...

Hajj as a Conference Legislated by Allah

Hajj as a Conference Legislated by Allah

Hajj was and still is the place of security where souls feel at ease in the land of revelation, ...