Ibn Khuldun’s Views on Education

Ibn Khuldun’s Views on Education

No one denies the predominance of admonitory-ethical style on the early Islamic educational out ...

Islam Calls for Good Manners

Islam Calls for Good Manners

The Messenger of Allah defined the main goal of his mission when he said, “I was sent to perfec ...

The Fundamental Sources of Islam

The Fundamental Sources of Islam

From time to time, there arise claims calling for rejecting the Sunnah and following the Qur'an ...

Islam and Social Justice (Part 2/2)

Islam and Social Justice (Part 2/2)

Love for his most beloved daughter and one of the best women who have ever lived in this world ...

How Did Thumamah Ibn Uthal Embrace Islam?

How Did Thumamah Ibn Uthal Embrace Islam?

Groups of Muslims were patrolling the districts of Al-Madinah and outlying areas on the lookout ...

Women’s Liberation through Islam (Part 1 / 2)

Women’s Liberation through Islam (Part 1 / 2)

This includes knowledge of the Qur’an and the Hadeeth as well as other types of knowledge. Men ...

The Five Necessities

The Five Necessities

These are the ultimate benefits which man must enjoy in order to lead an honorable life. Indeed ...

Do all Muslims Represent Islam? (Part 1/ 2)

Do all Muslims Represent Islam? (Part 1/ 2)

It is a distressing fact that many great crimes have been perpetrated by individuals, groups, a ...

Imam Al-Hasan Al-Basri

Imam Al-Hasan Al-Basri

He was one of the most renowned tabi`een (the generation after the death of the Prophet (Peace ...

The Beauties of Islam (Part 3/3)

The Beauties of Islam (Part 3/3)

Muslims believe that all members of humankind are able to reform; in addition they believe that ...

The Beauties of Islam (Part 2/3)

The Beauties of Islam (Part 2/3)

Islam recognizes that human beings are the custodians of the earth and all that is on it, inclu ...

Learned Master of the Ummah: `Abdullah ibn `Abbas

Learned Master of the Ummah: `Abdullah ibn `Abbas

He loved his fellow Muslims and sought to fulfill their needs. He said, “To look after a Muslim ...